The Anambra State Association Leicestershire (ASAL) is to meet quarterly (4 times in a year). The meeting is to be held on the Saturday of the second week of the months we meet.

About us

Who Are We ?

Anambra State Association Leicestershire (ASAL) is an Igbo speaking people of South East of Nigeria, residing in Leicestershire. The Association is a group of families, men and women, children, married or single. The membership of ASAL is open to all Anambra indigenes either by birth or marriage living in Leicestershire. Our membership is drawn not only for the Anambra indigenes residing in Leicestershire but also for people who wish to learn and identify with our values and culture.

All ASAL members have a sense of belonging in a society where they are a minority. Our website is geared to provide more information about our Union, membership, our culture, news, photo gallery, calendar of activities and other related events.

A Brief History

ASAL was started by a group of Anambrarians living in Leicester, county of Leicestershire led by Mr George Okoyeozor. He saw the need to come together, support one another at times of joy and difficulty such as bereavement, marriage, and other events in our traditional manner. The Association is a non-profit making one and seeks to promote equal opportunities amongst its members. The Association started in mid-2017 but made its first outing on the 23rd December 2017 at Miyaki Restaurant and Bar, and it was called the ‘Umu Anambra Midland’ which later changed to Anambra State Association Leicestershire (ASAL). The Association has increased in the last few years into a vibrant union, which now has an estimated population of 44 members. Anambrarians live in all parts of the United Kingdom but in Leicestershire they form a closely-knit community of highly enterprised people with numerous professionals spread in the fields of Skilled work, Engineering, Law, Pharmacy, Architecture, Social Workers, Business Administration, Accountancy, to name a few.

Mission statement

The Association will provide a forum for all its members to strengthen their traditional brotherhood consistent with the Igbo tradition and culture. It will provide a venue for sharing the Igbo culture and tradition in our community. The Association will serve as a network for positive cooperation and exchange of ideas, and members will share information on issues that affect the Igbos both at home and abroad and will collectively seek solutions through the various provisions outlined in the Association’s Constitution.

Igbo Culture

The Igbos (as we are known) come from the eastern part of Nigeria in the West Coast of Africa and are one of the prominent Nigerian ethnic groups. They occupy at least six out of the thirty-six states in Nigeria today. The Igbo culture is rich and versatile, dating back many centuries.

The Igbo people have a strong belief in an almighty God named Chukwu. It is a traditional belief that the Chukwu (Almighty God) has created each individual with a guardian or assistant at birth. The Igbo also believe in forces of nature as spirits, such as the sun, the sky and thunder and lightning. In the Igbo culture, children are considered the most precious gift of all, and they are prized more than material possessions.

Igbo culture is most commonly known for its style of music with distinctive instruments. Typical instruments are the Ogene (a hand bell mostly played by women and children), the Igba (a tom-tom that is beat, similar to a bongo), the Ikoro (a very fragile piece of wood that produces two different sounds), and the Udu. The Udu is well known in Nigeria; it is an air drum made out of clay mostly played by women and it can also be used as a centrepiece for women’s dance groups, the Ichaka (known as Rattling sound), the Oja (a flute caved with piece of wood and is the most used in Igbo music.

Our Core Aims and Objectives

  • To provide and create a credible platform to promote the collective interest of all sons and daughters of ASAL.
  • To promote unity amongst ASAL members on the broader community both here in the United Kingdom (UK) and Nigeria.
  • To encourage the early interest of our children in ASAL affairs by providing activities that will engage them.
  • To strive for synergies (work) with other social groups such as the other Igbo communities and other law-abiding relevant communities.

Our Executives

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News & Events

  • The Anambra State Association Leicestershire (ASAL) is to meet quarterly (4 times in a year). The meeting is to be held on the Saturday of the second week of the months we meet.
  • Any New Updates Will Appear Here

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